Twitterview le setsebi sa phepo e nepahetseng Cynthia Sass
U kile ua ipotsa hore na ho lokile ho tlōla lijo haeba u sa lapa, kapa hore na u lokela ho ja protheine e kae? SEBOPEHO e tla be e tšoara Twitterview le setsebi sa phepo e nepahetseng Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD the New York Times sengoli se rekisoang ka ho fetisisa sa Cinch! Hlōla litakatso, li-ponto tse theohileng le li-inche tse lahlehileng le mongoli-'moho oa Flat Belly Diet! Labone lena la la 14 Mmesa, ka 2 thapama EST mme o tla araba lipotso mabapi le ho theola boima ba 'mele, phepo e nepahetseng le hore na o ka fumana mpa e sephara joang ntle le ho itima lijo tseo o li ratang. Ho nka karolo ho Twitterview, latela ka bobeli @Shape_Magazine le @CynthiaSass.
Ho qala bekeng ena, o ka kenya lipotso tsa hau ho @Shape_Magazine kapa @cynthiasass ka ho kenyelletsa hashtag #CynthiaSass e tla arajoa nakong ea maikutlo a Twitter. U ka botsa lipotso tsa Cynthia kamora hore Twitterview e qale ka ho sebelisa hashtag e tšoanang mme @SHAPE_Magazine e tla pheta lipotso le likarabo tsa hau.
Lihlooho tse tla tšohloa li tla kenyelletsa:
• Melemo le likotsi tsa ho tlosa detoxing
•Ho loantša cellulite
• Mokhoa oa ho itokolla pele o fihla lebopong
• Lijo tse holimo tse chesang mafura
• Liphoso tsa ho theola boima ba 'mele tse etsoang ke basali ba bohlale
• Lijo tse thibelang litakatso… le tse ling!
Se ke oa e fosoa! U tla ba le monyetla oa ho hapa buka ea moraorao ea Cynthia, Cinch! Hlōla litakatso, li-ponto tse theohelang le li-inche tse lahlehileng.