Leishmaniasis ke lefu le tšoaetsanoang le phatlalatsoang ke ho longoa ke senakangoeli se setšehali.
Leishmaniasis e bakwa ke pharasaete e nyane e bitswang leishmania protozoa. Protozoa ke tse phelang ka sele e le 'ngoe.
Mefuta e fapaneng ea leishmaniasis ke:
- Cutaneous leishmaniasis e ama letlalo le mamina. Liso tsa letlalo hangata li qala sebakeng sa ho longoa ke sandfly. Ho batho ba 'maloa, liso li ka hlaha liseleng tsa mucous.
- Sesebelisoa, kapa visceral, leishmaniasis e ama 'mele oohle. Foromo ena e hlaha likhoeli tse 2 ho isa ho tse 8 kamora hore motho a lonngoe ke senakangoeli. Batho ba bangata ha ba hopole ba e-na le seso sa letlalo. Foromo ena e ka lebisa ho mathata a bolaeang. Likokoana-hloko li senya sesole sa 'mele ka ho fokotsa palo ea lisele tse loantšang maloetse.
Ho tlalehiloe linyeoe tsa leishmaniasis lik'honthinenteng tsohle ntle le Australia le Antarctica. Linaheng tsa Amerika, lefu lena le ka fumanoa Mexico le Amerika Boroa. Ho tlalehiloe hape ka sesole se khutlang Koung ea Persia.
Matšoao a leishmaniasis a ipakileng a ipapisitse le hore na liso li fumaneha kae mme li ka kenyelletsa:
- Bothata ba ho hema
- Liso tsa letlalo, tse ka bang seso sa letlalo se folang butle haholo
- Nko ea mokoti, nko e lutlang le mali a nkoang mali
- Ho metsa bothata
- Liso le ho roala (khoholeho) molomong, lelemeng, mareneneng, molomong, nko le ka nkong e ka hare
Ts'oaetso ea "visceral" ho bana hangata e qala ka tšohanyetso ka:
- Khohlela
- Letšollo
- Feberu
- Ho hlatsa
Batho ba baholo hangata ba na le feberu libeke tse 2 ho isa ho likhoeli tse 2, hammoho le matšoao a kang mokhathala, bofokoli le tahlehelo ea takatso ea lijo. Bofokoli boa eketseha ha lefu lena le ntse le mpefala.
Matšoao a mang a systemic visceral leishmaniasis a kenyeletsa:
- Ho se utloise bohloko ka mpeng
- Feberu e nka libeke; e ka tla 'me ea feta ka mekoloko
- Mofufutso oa bosiu
- Letlalo le leputsoa, le leputsoa, le lefifi, la molora
- Moriri o mosesane
- Ho fokotsa boima ba 'mele
Mofani oa hao oa tlhokomelo ea bophelo o tla u hlahloba 'me a ka fumana hore spleen, sebete le lymph node tsa hau li holisitsoe. U tla botsoa hore na u sa hopola ha u longoa ke lintsintsi kapa u kile ua ba sebakeng seo leishmaniasis e atileng ho sona.
Liteko tse ka etsoang ho fumana boemo bona li kenyelletsa:
- Biopsy ea spleen le setso
- Bops marrow biopsy le setso
- Teko ea ho kopanya ka kotloloho
- Teko e sa tobang ea sesole sa 'mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung
- Teko ea PCR ea Leishmania
- Biopsy ea sebete le setso
- Lymph node biopsy le setso
- Teko ea letlalo la Montenegro (ha e amoheloe United States)
- Biopsy ea letlalo le setso
Liteko tse ling tse ka etsoang li kenyelletsa:
- Palo e felletseng ea mali
- Tlhahlobo ea Serologic
- Serum albumin
- Maemo a serum immunoglobulin
- Protheine ea Serum
Metsoako e nang le antimony ke eona meriana ea mantlha e sebelisetsoang ho phekola leishmaniasis. Tsena li kenyelletsa:
- Meglumine e hanyetsa
- Sodium stibogluconate
Meriana e meng e ka sebelisoang e kenyelletsa:
- Amphotericin B
- Ketoconazole
- Miltefosine
- Paromomycin
- Pentamidine
Ho ka hlokahala opereishene ea polasetiki ho lokisa tšenyo e bakiloeng ke liso sefahlehong (cutaneous leishmaniasis).
Litefiso tsa pheko li phahame ka meriana e nepahetseng, haholo ha kalafo e qalisoa pele e ama sesole sa 'mele. Ho itšeha ka leishmaniasis ho ka lebisa ho senyeheng.
Lefu hangata le bakoa ke mathata (joalo ka mafu a mang), eseng lefu lena ka bolona. Lefu hangata le hlaha nakong ea lilemo tse 2.
Leishmaniasis e ka lebisa ho tse latelang:
- Ho tsoa mali (hemorrhage)
- Mafu a bolaeang ka lebaka la tšenyo ea sesole sa 'mele
- Ho senyeha ha sefahleho
Ikopanye le mofani oa hau haeba u e-na le matšoao a leishmaniasis kamora ho etela sebaka seo lefu lena le tsejoang hore le a etsahala.
Ho nka mehato ea ho qoba ho longoa ke sandfly ho ka thusa ho thibela leishmaniasis:
- Ho beha letlooa le letle ho potoloha bethe (libakeng tseo lefu le hlahang)
- Ho hlahloba lifensetere
- Ho apara lintho tse lelekang likokoanyana
- Ho apara liaparo tse sireletsang
Mehato ea bophelo bo botle ba sechaba ea ho fokotsa lints'ane tsa lehlabathe e bohlokoa. Ha ho na liente kapa meriana e thibelang leishmaniasis.
Kala-azar; Likotoana tsa leishmaniasis; Visceral leishmaniasis; Lefatše la khale leishmaniasis; Lefatše le lecha leishmaniasis
- Leishmaniasis
- Leishmaniasis, mexicana - leqeba lerameng
- Leishmaniasis monoaneng
- Leishmania panamensis ka leoto
- Leishmania panamensis - haufi-ufi
Aronson NE, Copeland NK, Magill AJ. Mefuta ea Leishmania: visceral (kala-azar), cutcut, le mucosal leishmaniasis. Ka: Bennett JE, Dolin R, Blaser MJ, bahlophisi. Mandell, Douglas, le Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, Khatiso e Ntjhafalitsoeng. La 9th. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2020: khaolo ea 275.
Bohitsh BJ, Carter CE, Oeltmann TN. Li-protistans tsa mali le lisele tsa mmele: hemoflagellates. Ka: Bogitsh BJ, Carter CE, Oeltmann TN, eds. Parasitology ea Batho. La 5th. London, UK: Elsevier Academic Press; 2019: khaolo ea 6.